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Welcome to Secret Projects, a UK registered social enterprise, creating work for women in India

Quick start guide for Influencers posting in #sherocks campaign 2020

Quick start Secret Sari Dress Influencer Pack – She Rocks

Thank you for becoming a Secret Sari Dress Influencer. Full details of the role of the influencer, details of the project it supports in India and much more can be found in a special google drive. Click here to access. The documents were made for last year’s campaign by are still relevant this year.

This campaign started in 2019 by the female rock world inspired to join by Heather Findlay who dreamt up this idea. We are excited that this year the campaign is moving into new sectors. We are proud the campaign involves both women and men. This campaign is for everyone.

Here is how you make your impact as an influencer to help prevent human trafficking in India:

If you are posting on Instagram:

  • Take a picture of you wearing your Secret Sari Dress. If you want to get into the theme of International Women’s Day 2020, please click here to find out more. You might want to invite somebody into the photo. Scroll down to see some of the creative shots that have already been taken and will be revealed over the weekend.
  • Post the picture on your Instagram feed at any point over the International Women’s Day weekend from Friday 6 March (this Friday!). You can post at any-time after this because we run our Secret Sari Dress Campaign throughout the year.
  • Please change over the URL link in your bio to secretprojects.org
  • Add this copy to your post – tailor as you wish

Happy International Women’s Day. I am celebrating women globally and wearing a Secret Sari Dress to highlight how production can prevent human trafficking in India. Buy a Secret Sari Dress too and help create jobs for more young women. Click the link in my bio and buy yourself a Secret Sari Dress. There is 20% off right now. You can join me and take part in the campaign as well. Follow @secretsaridress to watch the campaign unfold over the weekend.

  • Use the hash tags

Hash tags: #eachforequal #balanceisbetter #secretsaridress #madeinindia #stopthetraffick #womensempowerment #preventionthroughproduction #sherocks #sistersaredoingitforeachother #shakti #shareyourpower #sisterhood #indianwoman #togetherwewillrise #secretsaridress #theultimatefestivaldress #secretprojects #iwd2020

  • TAG your picture with @secretsaridress -this will mean you appear on the Secret Sari Dress Instagram feed

If you are posting on Facebook:

  • Take a picture of you wearing your Secret Sari Dress. If you want to get into the theme of International Women’s Day 2020, please click here to find out more. You might want to invite somebody into the photo. Scroll down to see some of the creative shots that have already been taken and will be revealed over the weekend.
  • Post the picture on your social media feeds at any point over the International Women’s Day weekend from Friday 6 March (this Friday!). You can post at any-time after this because we run our Secret Sari Dress Campaign throughout the year.
  • Add this copy to your post – tailor as you wish

Happy International Women’s Day. I am celebrating women globally and wearing a Secret Sari Dress to highlight how production can prevent human trafficking in India. Buy a Secret Sari Dress too and help create jobs for more young women. Go to www.secretprojects.org and buy yourself a Secret Sari Dress. There is 20% off right now. You can join me and take part in the campaign as well.  

If you want to take your role one step further, you could:

  1. Gather some of your friends together and do a group photo
  2. Invite your peers to be influencers too – please introduce them to the project using fritha@secretprojects.org
  3. Make a quick to camera film explaining why you are behind the campaign and put in on Youtube
  4. Buy a bundle of Secret Sari Dresses to sell on your merchandise stall at gigs
  5. Come to India with Heather and Whitney and Meet the Makers. Click here to read about our next trip.
  6. Sign up to climb Mount Snowdon in May with other members of the #sherocks community. Click here to find out more.

#sherocks 2020 - We hope these pictures inspire you...

Fritha and Olaf - Each for Equal (above)

Whitney Ribbins visiting Molly's Sewing Unit, West Bengal (below)

Heather and Howie (above)

Doro and her band members (below)

Vixen and Whitney Ribbins (below)

Tyketto (below)